Περιγραφή θέματος

  • Γενικά

    The first Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ project: "Parent education and community awareness to enable the social inclusion of adolescents at risk of becoming parents" - PEACE SITE was held in Sinaia, Romania between 17 and 18 November 2017.

    This meeting was attended by the representatives of the consortium consisting of the 7 project partners, namely:

    • Association of Romanian Prenatal Education, - coordinator (2 members) and
    • 2 members of partner organizations from
      • Italy: Universita per Stranieri di Perugia,
      • Greece: Elliniki Etairia Progennitikis Agogis,
      • Latvia: Latvijas Perinatalas Attistibas Biedriba
      • Cyprus: Kipriaki Etairia Progennitikis Agogis,
      • Romania: ROMTENS Foundation,
      • Belgium: Education Prenatale- Information

    The role of this meeting was to reconfirm the role and expectations of each partner.

    During this meeting there were discussed administrative, planning and organizing aspects of the project activities, the monitoring and evaluation modalities, etc.

    It was also discussed the methodology for the realization of Intellectual Product 1 (IO1), namely the comparative study, coordinated by the  Latvian partner.

    The communication strategy was established among the partners and there were initiated the main guidelines of Intellectual Outputs. The first Intellectual Output is proposing to carry out a comparative study on parent-child communication on sexual education and prenatal education.