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    Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership

    Project Nr: 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037448

    C2 Blended Mobility for Adult Learning

    Parent-Child communication on life subjects as sexual education and prenatal education

    Objectives:  At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

    1. Identify the main efficent communication strategies for parents int the relationship with their children and teenagers
    2. Explain the role of parents in developing children Communication paterns, Self esteem and Emotional competencies
    3. Structure the main messages for children and teenagers sexuality development
    4. Explain the role of parents /educators to prevent sexual abuse on children
    5. Explain the importance of respecting children rights in general and participation right in special
    6. Identify the main strategies to prevent children STIs and too early pregnancies occurence
    7. Explain the importance of prenatal education and the ways to convey information to children and teenagers
    8. Explain the parents and educators strategies to manage the influence of media /internet in children education


    Day 1

    9.15-10.00 Introductory session; presentations expectations objectives group rules

    10.00-10.30 Overall presentation of PEACE SITE project and of Comparative study Report

    10.30-11.00 coffee break

    11.00-12.30  PEACE SITE platform presentation. Parents’ role for Parent- child effective communication 

    12.30-13.30 Lunch break

    13.30 -14.55 Role of parents in developing children communication patterns- Transactional Analysis The role of parents in forming children self esteem 14.45-15.00 Day evaluation – plenary


    Day 2

    9.00-9.15 Previous day evaluation- plenary  9.15-10.30 The role of parents in forming children self esteem and Emotional competencies

    10.30-11.00 Coffee break

    11.00-12.30 Sexual development of children and teenagers. The role of parents in transmitting messages related to child sexuality at different age stages

    12.30-13.30 Lunch break

    13.30 -14.55 The parental role in Prevention of sexual abuse PEACE SITE Platform presentation 14.55-15.00 Day evaluation  


    Day 3

    9.00-9.15 Previous day evaluation; plenary  9.15-10.30 Children Rights and Children participation

    10.30-11.00 Coffee break

    11.00-12.30 Myths and  prejudices concerning relationship

    12.30-13.30 Lunch

    13.30-114.55 Parent awareness in forming children values  14.55-15.00 Day evaluation


    Day 4

    9.00-9.15 Previous day evaluation- plenary  9.15-10.30 Prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections

    10.30-11.00 coffee break

    11.00-12.30 The impact of unwanted pregnancies on human life

    12.30-13.30 lunch break

    13.30-14.55 Prenatal education key messages adapted to children and teenagers Mobile phone application; 14.55-15.00 Day evaluation


    Day 5

    9.00-9.15 Previous day evaluation; plenary

    9.15-10.30 Parents and educators strategies to manage the influence of media /internet in children education (I)

    10.30-11.00 coffee break

    11.00-12.30 Parents and educators strategies to manage the influence of media /internet in children education (II)

    12.30. -13.30 Lunch

    13.30- 14.30 Parental strategies to convey appropriate messages to children and teenagers for their appropriate development;

    14.30-15.00 Final evaluation of the workshop